€ 1.595,- (incl. BTW) Deze vanafprijs is o.b.v. het goedkoopste startmoment.
3 dagen
HBO Bacheloropleiding
International Anti Crime Academy
This accredited OSINT training, available in English, is highly suitable for fraud, compliance, AML, KYC, and CDD analysts, security professionals, and law enforcement and intelligence services.
After completing this training, you will be able to conduct in-depth digital research and gather detailed background information on individuals, (international) companies, organizations, and networks. This includes aspects such as their financial integrity, side activities, events, locations, achievements, and properties. Additionally, you will become skilled in online tracking and monitoring of individuals and organizations, providing insights into their current and future intentions and activities.
The knowledge gained is immediately applicable for professionals such as fraud and compliance analysts, AML, KYC, and CDD analysts, as well as for security experts and law enforcement and intelligence service personnel.
Our OSINT trainings and diplomas are widely recognized and highly regarded by various government services, as well as a broad spectrum of financial and international organizations outside the government sector.
(Deze training is speciaal gepland voor onze studenten die Engels spreken. Wanneer u Nederlands spreekt raden wij u aan om onze andere OSINT-opleidingen te bekijken met de cursuscodes OSINT1 en OSINT1VIR)
This practical training is highly recommended for professionals who need to gather, document, and analyze digital information and intelligence related to individuals, national and international companies, organizations, activities, or networks in their profession. This is crucial for conducting criminal, civil, international, internal, or financial investigations and often essential for protecting business interests and maintaining national and international order and security. To facilitate this, you will be intensively taught the latest techniques and trends in the field of Digital Information-Driven Investigation, with Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) as a key component.
Upon completing this first module, you will possess the skills to efficiently collect, process, and interpret digital intelligence about individuals, national and international companies, organizations, and networks. This includes information on their financial integrity, side activities, events, locations, (under)performances, and assets. You will also learn how to trace and monitor individuals and organizations online to map out their current and future plans and activities. The gathered information can be enriched with specific research findings, resulting in a more comprehensive and complete intelligence picture.
Due to its versatile practical applications, this training is particularly suitable for a wide range of professionals, including law enforcement and intelligence service personnel, regulators, mortgage and insurance advisors, KYC, CDD, and AML specialists, insurance experts (with PE accreditation from NIVRE), and municipal officials.
Our OSINT trainings and diplomas are widely recognized and highly regarded by various government services, as well as a broad spectrum of financial and international organizations outside the government sector. Whether you are already employed by such an organization or aiming for a position with one of these employers, our OSINT trainings are a valuable addition to your resume.
Registered Open Source Intelligence Analyst® (IOSI101 and IOSI102) > 91 credits
Registered Open Source Intelligence Expert-B® (IOSI101, IOSI102, and IOSI103) > 169 credits
NIVRE has awarded 6 PE points for each module (1-3) of our OSINT training program, with a maximum of 6 points per year.
After completing this first module, you will be immediately capable of collecting, processing, and interpreting digital intelligence on individuals, (inter)national companies, organizations, and networks, particularly concerning their financial integrity, side activities, events, places of residence or business, (under)performance, and assets. Additionally, you will learn to track and monitor individuals and organizations online to map out their (future) plans and activities. This information can then be supplemented with specialized research findings, creating a more comprehensive intelligence picture.
Due to the practical applicability of this training, it is extremely suitable for a wide range of professions. This includes employees of law enforcement and security services, and regulators, as well as mortgage and insurance advisors, KYC and CDD analysts, isurance experts (PE accreditation from NIVRE), and municipal officials.
Get acquainted with the OSIDATA® learning platform and IACA Data Collection Applications
Especially for our training programs, we have developed a digital learning platform. This secure platform, named OSIDATA®, includes thousands of OSINT and SOCMINT related tools, techniques, videos, scripts, and reference materials.
Overview of components in IOSI101: OSINT Module 1
Part 1: Introduction to 'data-driven work, detection, investigation, and supervision'
Part 2: IACA tactical digital elements
Part 3: Cybersecurity and digital footprint
Part 4: Operators and formulating effective search queries
Part 5: Documentation of digital information
Part 6: Use of virtual machines and mobile emulators
Part 7: The dark and deep web
Part 8: Open Source Financial Intelligence (OSFINT®)
Part 9: Advanced monitoring and alert techniques for digital sources
During this training, which is constantly updated with the latest methodologies and tools, the following topics will be covered:
This training is provided live in a virtual classroom setting.
We have a professional virtual learning environment, making interactive online participation perfectly feasible.
The training consists of three consecutive classroom days, each lasting from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM.
Tijdens je opleiding wordt gezorgd voor onbeperkt koffie, thee en water. In het dagarrangement is ook een uitgebreide lunch inbegrepen. De arrangementskosten bedragen € 25,- (excl. btw) per dag of € 5,50 (excl. btw) per avond. Als dat expliciet vermeld staat, brengen wij ook locatiekosten in rekening. De locatiekosten bedragen € 29,50 (excl. btw) per dag of € 10,- per avond (excl. btw).
Voor alle opleidingen brengen wij de kosten voor reprorechten en hand-outs in rekening. Dat is een eenmalig bedrag van € 15,- (excl. btw).
Kies je voor wettelijk erkend onderwijs, MBO-niveau 2, 3 of 4, Associate degree, HBO Bachelor of een volledige Master, dan bieden wij deze opleiding altijd vrijgesteld van btw aan. De overige opleidingen en trainingen zijn in beginsel belast met 21% btw.
Voor organisaties die geen btw kunnen terugvorderen, is vrijstelling van btw mogelijk. In dat geval komt er 10% opslag bovenop de exclusief btw-prijs. Dit betekent een groot voordeel op de prijs inclusief btw en is een absolute aanrader. Betaal je je opleiding of training zelf? Dan geldt er geen opslag van 10%.
Studie-, trainingsmaterialen, reprorechten en arrangementskosten zijn altijd belast met 9% btw.
Alle genoemde bedragen zijn exclusief btw. De hoogte van de btw is onder voorbehoud van eventuele wetswijzigingen.
HBO Bacheloropleiding